Safeguarding & Welfare
I'm Peter Prescott and have the pleasure of being the above club officer. I started playing for our club in the mid 1970's, while for the last few years I regularly umpire on Saturdays. I've been the club Safeguarding and Welfare Officer for over 10 years. I know the importance of the whole area of safeguarding, as in a former life I worked in schools for over 40 years, with 18 of those as a Primary School Head-Teacher.
The main aspects of my role are:-
- to work with others in our club to ensure a positive and safe child centred culture and environment exists,
- to assist the club fulfil its' responsibilities to safeguarding children, as stipulated by England Hockey,
- to be the first point of contact for coaches, captains, children and young adults (up to the age of 18) and their parents, if concerns about child welfare, poor practice or abuse are identified,
- to record and report any child protection concerns or allegations,
- to ensure all our coaches, team captains and other officers of our club have an up-to-date DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) certificate.
I can be contacted by phone : home - 01902 746316, mobile - 07944830036, or email: